- Posted by admin on Jan 25, 2021 in Uncategorized
While I'm not sure yet just how useful it will prove to be, I've set up a Slack account for the "Rosbury Families Society" to provide a space and method for family members to communicate, share files, organize "channels" and such. I'm going to be learning more about it as we go along ... but if you are interested in participating and/or checking it out to see if you are interested, send me an email - ar3thur@rosbury.org
- Posted by admin on Jan 24, 2021 in Uncategorized
Among the things I have that came from my maternal grandmother are three 5-year diaries covering the years of 1945 - early 1958 (she passed early in 1958). They give a unique insight into not only HER life and experiences, but also what was happening in the World at large during that time. During these years she and my grandfather lived in North Charleston. She did not work but he was a photographer by trade, doing weddings and other private engagements as well as working for the US Navy at the Charleston Navy Yard.
It will take some time, but once finished I will publish it. My current tentative title for the work is "The Last Years of a Charleston Lady". That could change ... and I'm not sure what the means of publication will be as yet. First things first ... let me finish it. Along the way I will post tidbits and excerpts of special interest.
- Posted by admin on Jan 24, 2021 in Uncategorized
A new site - www.rosburyfamilies.org - has been set up as a blog where content will now be originated that used to go to our FB page for Rosbury and Related Families genealogy and family history information. My blog entries will be posted to FB through a feed. I will no longer post this information directly on FB, consistent with my new policy and intent to minimize and/or eliminate my presence and activity on FB as much as possible.
I invite those interested to go to our new site DIRECTLY for information and updates instead of through FB.
FB no longer serves the interests of The People and has become intolerably controlling and censor-ridden.